Fees & Royalties
Last updated
Last updated
Our marketplace charges:
2% taker fee
0% maker fee
Enforced royalties are always paid by the taker, and never by the maker. That is, a buyer who buys a listed NFT pays royalties and the marketplace fee in addition to the listed price, and a seller who sells to a bid receives the bid amount minus royalties and the marketplace fee.
Tensor requires payment of full royalties on collections with enforced royalties. Payment of optional royalties is at the taker's discretion.
This is in-line with Metaplex's MIP-1 requirements. 🤝
Takers can choose whether to pay none, half, or all of a collection's optional royalty rate. This setting can be found in the checkout pane (if the selected collection has optional royalties), or in the app settings.
You can choose to see listing prices and bids from either the maker's or the taker's perspective. The toggle is located in the footer for computer users, and in the app settings for mobile users.
Note, some collections have reached out to us asking why they can't see the royalty payment in solscan on their enforced NFT.
The answer is the payment only shows in the SOL Balances view, and not on the home page of the transaction.
For example, for this transaction you can't see the royalty payment on home page:
But if you click into the SOL Balances tab, you can see we paid the correct creator:
The reason for this has to do with the technical implementation of our protocol. It's just a different way of reassigning lamports from one account to another, which Solscan doesn't correctly index on the main page.